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GAMSAT 2021 - Remote Proctoring

ACER Have announced that is a result of COVID-19 restrictions the March 2021 GAMSAT in Ireland will be held via remote proctoring. So what exactly is remote proctoring and who are ProctorU?

What is ProctorU and Remote Proctoring?

As happened for the last two GAMSAT sittings in Ireland, the March exam will be taken at home by candidates using the remote proctoring service ProctorU. ProctorU are an American company which have been conducting remotely proctored examinations for many years. The system involves confirming candidates identity's at home and then administering the GAMSAT examination remotely with live proctoring taking place via your webcam. Although the system can sound quite intimidating in reality this method of taking the examination is in our experience relatively straight forward.

What should I think about in advance?

Most of the considerations you should give in relation to home proctoring really relate to the practicalities of sitting a long examination at home via your Internet connection.  A few of the things you might like to consider are obviously the stability and speed of your Internet connection, particularly that in a high demand examination such as GAMSAT the loss of your connection is if nothing else extremely disconcerting. Think about where you will be physically sitting the exam, and if possible arrange for others not to be present at home during the exam session. If others are home ask them possibly to refrain from using the Internet during your examination session. It is likely ProctorU will also ask you to have certain items such as a mirror present when you sit the exam, and so check carefully the exact exam requirements

How will the GAMSAT differ?

Although yet to be announced by ACER there is no reason to think the structure of the examination will differ much from that you would have been taking in a test centre. Indeed as both Irish sittings were remotely proctored last year ACER and ProctorU actually have quite a lot of experience of running the GAMSAT in this way. Although ACER have not yet made clear, it is likely that you will take the full examination in a single sitting, as would have been the case at a local test centre. Obviously refer to ACER as they make further announcements in relation to the exact structure, however expect the same timings and number of questions as they have already outlined in their information booklet.

Will this GAMSAT be harder or easier?

The only fundamental difference in the exam will be the location in which you are sitting it and so whether it is easier or harder really depends on your personal preference for exam taking. Certainly, many candidates find the experience less stressful sitting the examination at home. As  you will not be required to travel to the exam it does in some ways make the whole process less painful. However do not assume that this will make the content of the examination any easier. As GAMSAT is a standardised exam the level of difficulty between papers is carefully maintained and as such there will be no real advantage in setting the examination via remote proctoring.

Keep an eye on our news pages as we will be releasing any further information as it is released by ACER. Keep working and the very best of luck in the forthcoming exam.